Product ID: 2978


Bohemia Interactive
DayZ Osta

DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta DayZ Osta


DayZ is an unforgiving, authentic, open world sandbox online game where each one of 60 players on a server follows a single goal - to survive as long as they can, by all means necessary. There are no superficial tips, waypoints, built-in tutorials or help given to you. Every decision matters - with no save games, and no extra lives, every mistake can be lethal. If you fail, you lose everything and start over.

Scavenging for supplies and roaming the open world never feels safe in DayZ, as you never know what's behind the next corner. Hostile player interactions, or simply just struggling through severe weather can easily turn into intense, nerve-racking moments where you experience very real emotions. On the other hand, meeting with another friendly survivor in DayZ can lead to a true friendship that lasts a lifetime...'

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35,58 €
KM-ta: 29,17 €
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Console 17
Žanr FPS (esimeses isikus tulistamismäng)
Piirkond Kogu maailm
Mängu keeled Inglise
PEGI reiting soovitatav alates 18. eluaastast
Väljalaske kuupäev 2019
Vorming Füüsiline koopia (plaadil)
TÄHTIS: Mängupakett võib olla poola/hispaania/saksa või mõnes muus keeles, kuid mäng on alati inglise keeles.